Rabu, 04 November 2015

Profil Anggota Force 4

1.      Nama : M. Pasca Odextra S
Nim : 6703150017
Kelas : D3KA-39-02
Force : 4
TTL : Jakarta, 3 Desember 1996
Alamat Bandung : Asrama putra gedung 10
Asal Kota : Medan
No.Hp : 082272744421
Mottohidup : Learn from the past do it now and creating for future
Quotes : thinking before do anything
Alasan masuk KA : because i want tobe a counting computerize
Kesan : My suggestion is the price most expensive so it's a reason why some studen't didn't join the even and about snack  and drink wasn't delicious

     Nama : Haris Maulana Rahim
Nim : 6703151020
Kelas : D3KA-39-02
Force :4
TTL : Bandung, 10 Agustus 1991
Alamat Bandung : ciparay, Kab.Bandung
Asal Kota : Bandung
No.Hp : 083821494377
Mottohidup : Hiduplah seperti kau akan mati besok
Quotes : Tersenyumlah walau hatimu menangis
Alasan masuk KA : My reason join computerized accounting is because in computerized accounting, we not only get the accounting skill, but also has a computing skill.
Kesan : My suggestion is mocca must be held at lower cost, because not all the students have a money to pay.

2.      Nama : Wahyu Ariyana
NIM : 6703154117
Kelas : D3KA-39-03
Force : 4
TTL : Jombang, 23 September 1996
Alamat Bandung : Asrama putri gedung F
Asal Kota : Jombang, Jawa Timur
No.Hp :
Mottohidup : if you believe, you can achieve your dreams
Quotes : The most important thing is to enjoy your life to be happy, it's all that matters
Alasan masuk KA : because i really like accounting and i want to become a successful accountant
Kesan : exciting but too many costs and duties

3.      Nama : Citra Pamela Ambarsari L
Nim : 603152074
Kelas : D3KA-39-02
Force : 4
TTL : Bandung, 4 Juni 1997
Alamat Bandung : Jl. PHH Mustafa Perum Surapati Core, TR36
Asal Kota : Bandung
No.Hp : 082214119219
Mottohidup : Bersikap baiklah setiap saat maka kebaikan akan senantiasa menghampiri
Quotes : Let go of the past, build for future
Alasan masuk KA : because this is my last choice, but right now i'm trying to get in to it, so i hope it'll go well.
Kesan : please think again about all the activity on mocca what's the benefit for the student and the university especially for our study program. because i think most activity are just wasting time and money. it's better for us to really study about something than just singing and bought something that we dont even like or want. that's all, thankyou or listening.

4.      Nama : Tamie Maureta
Nim : 6703152072
Kelas : D3KA-39-04
Force : 4
TTL : Bandung, 12 Maret 1997
Alamat Bandung : Jl. Bakti Sejati no. 25 Lembang
Asal Kota : Bandung
No.Hp :
Mottohidup : Hidup adalah udunan
Quotes : If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was
Alasan masuk KA : because of it's computerized accounting option to 4 of the 5 options but yes just thankful for. .. telkom incoming Alhamdulillah
Kesan : Please do not be kak mahal-mahal continues if next year the bagel please rather tasty ... We don't need a mug, but I actually only be jackets. For succes

5.      Nama : Velinda Supandi Putri
Nim : 603152100
Kelas : D3KA-39-01
Force : 4
TTL : Jakarta, 27 November 1997
Alamat Bandung :
Asal Kota : Jakarta
No.Hp :
Mottohidup :
Quotes :
Alasan masuk KA :
Kesan :

6.      Nama : Bunga Setiati
Nim : 6703152099
Kelas : D3KA-39-04
Force : 4
TTL : Bogor, 3 Februari 1997
Alamat Bandung : Jl. Pesona Ciganitri no. 4
Asal Kota : Bogor
No.Hp : 082218328353
Mottohidup : Rencana Allah pasti selalu indah
Quotes : The most important thing is to enjor your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters
Alasan masuk KA : The reason chose Computerized Accounting the first because I did not pass on the choise Accounting. Second, because my parents wishes. Next, because I'am interested of the name Computerized Accounting. Here, I want know how to blend in with the computer program and accounting. In fact, I didn't want to chose this prodi, but I know that this is a new prody. So theres no many people who had skill at programming computer and accounting. I hope I can follow the program in computerized accounting, and graduated three years with satisfactory IPK.
Kesan : I feel tired after doing the activity at OMB and MOCCA at first day. But I feel glad following this event because I can become closer with seniors and I can make a new friends. In MOCCA I learn cohesive, responsibility, disciplin, and respect. All the student in Computerizing Accounting is one family. We should help each other if they in troble.

7.      Nama : Fadhia Adelina
Nim : 6703152075
Kelas : D3KA-39-03
Force : 4
TTL : Padang Panjang, 13 Agustus 1997
Alamat Bandung : Perum Cherry Field no. E88
Asal Kota : Bekasi
No.Hp : 087879451217
Mottohidup : Sukses itu dari kita sendiri, bukan dari orang lain
Quotes : Yes I’m seeking for someone, to help me. So that some day I will be the someone to help some other one.
Alasan masuk KA : because of it's computerized accounting choices to four from five, and because I also can't the majors I want at a State University
Kesan : Please tomorrow if anyone btolong events do not reach an outlay of 300rb because it's too heavy for our new students and we also dapet get acquainted with friends from the class was different from

8.      Nama : Ramdhan Firmansyah
Nim : 6703151018
Kelas : D3KA-39-03
Force : 4
TTL : Bandung, 15 Februari 1996
Alamat Bandung : Jl. Raya Cibabat no.67
Asal Kota : Cimahi
No.Hp : 081809990980
Mottohidup : Let it flow
Quotes : Motivasi sabar memang ada batasnya tapi usaha untuk sabar tidak ada batasnya
Alasan masuk KA :
Kesan : 

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